Institude of Integrated Mircosystems Funded Project

Project Title:

Silicon-based Reconfigurable Antennas Integrated with Micromachined Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures and RF MEMS Switches (I2MS01/02.EG05)

Principal Investigator:

Prof Kevin J. Chen, Department of Electrical Engineering, HKUST

Project Duration:

Jul 1, 2002 to Jun 30, 2004

Project Summary:

This project is to develop three key components for wireless communication systems: patch antenna on silicon, electromagnetic bandgap (EMBG) structure and RF MEMS switches. Two different types of Coplanar Waveguide (CPW)-fed slot antennas have been design and fabricated on silicon substrates.

The EMBG structure, aiming at reducing the surface waves generated by the patch antenna, has been realized on silicon substrates through several key technologies: (1) through-wafer via formation by ICP Deep RIE, (2) conformal Cu electroplating, (3) double sided alignment, and (4) deposition of silicon oxide or nitride thin film for Metal-Insulator-Metal capacitors.

The research of capacitive RF MEMS switch was carried out in collaboration with the MEMS group in the Institute of Microelectronics, Beijing University. The RF MEMS switch has one unique design: the dielectric layer is not directly deposited on the transmission lines to eliminate any dielectric loss when the transmission line is in the ˇ§onˇ¨ state. In addition, a novel CMOS-compatible micromachined Edge-suspended inductors and coplanar waveguides (CPWs) were invented.


Research Output:

  1. Publication
  2. Student trained

    • Lydia Leung, completed the Ph.D thesis in January 2005, thesis title ˇ§Low-loss On-chip Interconnects for Silicon Integrated Radio-frequency and Microwave Systemsˇ¨
    • Wai Cheong Hon, completed the M. Phil thesis in Aug. 2004, thesis title ˇ§SMOS-Compatible High-Performance Micromachined Edge-Suspended Inductorsˇ¨
    • Jinwen Zhang, research assistant from Microelectronics Institute of Beijing University MEMS switch

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