Institude of Integrated Mircosystems Funded Project

Project Title:

A Metal-Based Low-Temperature Micro-Fabrication Technology for Integrated Microsystems

Principal Investigator:

Prof. Man WONG, Department of Electrical Engineering, HKUST

Project Duration:

Jul 1, 2002 to Dec 29, 2004

Project Summary:

This project developed metal-based low-temperature microfabrication and packagining (encapsulation, bonding, etc) technology for micro inertia switches and so on. With the developed technology at HKUST, the design, fabrication and characterization of micro inertia switches have been successfullly achieved. In addition, one micro vibration power generator has been fabricated with output power level around 0.1 mW. It can be easily increased to a useful loevel of 1 mW with furthur development.

Research Output:

  1. Publication
  2. Student trained

    • Ma Wei. Successfully defended her PhD thesis on Jan/14/05.

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