Institude of Integrated Mircosystems Funded Project
Project Title:
Fabrication and Characterization of MicromixersPrincipal Investigator:
Prof. Yi-Kuen LEE,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, HKUST
Project Duration:
Jul 1, 2002 to Jun 30, 2004
Project Summary:
Micromixers are one of the key components in micro Total Analysis System.
Since turbulence is difficult to generate for mixing in micro scale,
there are many different kinds of micromixers fabricated by MEMS technology in recent years.
Much research has only focused on the fabrication of different micromixers. However,
few have addressed on how to develop an appropriate mixing index for fair comparison of micromixers
and on their chaotic structure. This project made substantial progress
on the modeling of a micromixer and the parametric study of the micro mixer,
which has published in J. Micromech. & Microeng. 2003, using Lyapunov exponent analysis
and Poincare section. Based on this comprehensive analysis, the mixers for
various biofluids can be properly designed.
In view that the traditional methods are computationally expensive,
we constructed a consistent method based on Finite Time Lyapunov Exponent
which can save CPU time by three orders of magnitude. The result using our new method
has shown good agreement with that from traditional methods and computational fluid mechanics.
Research Output:
- Publication
- X. Niu, Y.-K. Lee, "Efficient
Spatial-temporal Chaotic Mixing in Microchannels," Journal of Micromechanics
and Microengineering, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp.454-462, 2003.
- A.S.W. Ng, W.L.W. Hau, Y.-K. Lee and Y. Zohar, "Electrokinetic
Generation of Microvortex Patterns in a Microchannel Liquid Flow," Journal
of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.247-255, 2004.
- A. Dodge, M.-C. Jullien, Y.-K. Lee, X. Niu, F. Okkels, and P. Tabeling,
example of a chaotic micromixer: the channel-micromixer", Comptes Rendus
Physique, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 557-563, 2004.
- X. Niu, Y.-K. Lee, "Finite Time Lyapunov Exponent for Micro Chaotic Mixer
Design ," ASME IMECE'03, Washington DC, Nov. 16-21, 2003 (IMECE2003-41389).
- W.L.W. Hau, L.M. Lee, Y.-K. Lee, M. Wong and Y. Zohar, "Experimental
Investigation of Electrokinetically Generated In-Plane Vorticity in a Microchannel,"
Transducer'03 (the 12th Intl. Conf. on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and
Microsystems), Boston, pp.651-654, 2003.
- W.L.W. Hau, P.K Leung, L.M. Lee, Y.-K. Lee and Y. Zohar, "Electrokinetically-Driven
Micro Mixer with a Novel Surface-Charge Pattern ," IEEE Robio'05, Hong Kong
and Macau, Jun 29-Jul 3, 2005 (in press).
- Student trained
- Winky Lap Wing Hau, completed the Ph.D thesis in January 2005, Thesis
title ¡§Electrokinetically-driven Liquid Flows in Microchannels Using Surface-chemistry
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