Institude of Integrated Mircosystems Funded Project
Project Title:
Development of a hybrid nano-polymer composite membrane for micro-polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cellsPrincipal Investigator:
Prof Ping GAO,
Department of Chemical Engineering, HKUST
Project Duration:
Jul 1, 2002 to Jun 30, 2004
Project Summary:
This project is to develop a new polymer electrolyte membrane structure for low
temperature proton transfer using both hydrogen and methanol as the fuels. This
membranes include an UHMWPE matrix embedded with proton transfer organo-nano platelet
silicate. A series of nanocomposite membranes, including Nafion/clay, Nafion/TiO2NT,
Nafion/clay/CNT, Nafion/CNT(SZ)AT/Pt, Nafion/CNT(SZ)AT/Pt/Clay, Nafion/CNT(SZ)AT/Pt/TiO2NT,
have been developed and characterized. The nanocomposite membranes show significant
improvement over the commercial membranes when assembled to an MEA (Membrane Assembly)
using the same electrode. The MEA performance of the Nafion/Pt on CNT/TiO2NT is
the best among all the nanocomposite materials. In addition, the multi-walled
carbon nanotube supported electrodes were also prepared and tested. A six-stack
prototype fuel cell has been constructured and being tested.
Research Output:
- Publication
- CL. Chui, P. Gao and T.X Yu, A novel self-humidifying Nafion nanocomposite membrane
with enhanced high temperature performance and gas permeability resistance.
In preparation for submission to Journal of Membrane Science.
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