Institude of Integrated Mircosystems Funded Project
Project Title:
Study of Strain-Gradient Elasticity and Plasticity
Principal Investigator:
Prof Tong-Yi
Zhang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, HKUST
Project Duration:
Jul 1, 2002 to Jun 30, 2004
Project Summary:
Thin films on substrates are fundamental elements for Micro/Nano-systems and are
of special interest to academia and industries. Characterization of mechanical
properties of thin films has become a very active area of research . This project
is to investigate the strain-gradient effects in plastic bending of micro beams
by the micro bridge test and the microcantilver test and to develop a strain-gradient
model for plastic bending of micro beams. On the other hand, this project will
work on the research work of Au/Pd/Ni platings for electronic packaging.
Research Output:
- Publication
- Tong-Yi Zhang, Wei-Hua Xu and Minghao Zhao, The
role of plastic deformation at a rough surface in the size-dependent hardness,
Acta Materialia, 52(2004)57-68.
- Tong-Yi Zhang, Residual Stresses in Thin Films in Microelectronic and Microelectromechanical Systems, Chapter 6 in the book edited by J. Lu (in press).
- Wei-Hua Xu and Tong-Yi Zhang, Surface
Effect for Different Types of Materials in Nanoindentation, The Proceedings
of the Fifth International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solids
and the Second International Conference on Physics & Chemistry of Fracture
and Failure Prevention, Sendai, Japan, 20-22 October 2003, Key Engineering
Materials, 261-263(2004)1587-1592.
- Wei-Hua Xu, Jinrong Li and Tong-Yi Zhang, Nanoindentation test of rough surfaces with a flat indenter tip (working paper).
- Tong-Yi Zhang, Plastic
deformation of rough surface in the nanoindentation test, presentation
at the IUTAM Symposium on Size Effects on Material and Structural behavior
at Micro- and Nano-Scales, May31- June 4, 2004, The Hong Kong University
of Science and Technology, Hong Kong.
- Student trained
- Wei-Hua Xu, Ph.D student, admitted in Feb 2001 and graduated in December 2003.
- Bin Huang, Ph.D student, admitted in September 1999 and graduated in December
- Li-Lin Liu, Ph.D student, admitted in Feb 2003.
- Research Grant Attracted
University-Industry Collaboration Program, Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Fund
(UIT/47, HK$370,000) with the matching fund (HK$185,000) of ASM Assembly Automation Ltd.
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