Institude of Integrated Mircosystems Funded Project
Project Title:
Surface-Mounted Polymer-based Ultra-Fast Response Fuse Devices
Principal Investigator:
Prof Chi-Ming
CHAN, Department of Chemical Engineering, HKUST
Project Duration:
Jul 1, 2002 to Jun 30, 2004
Project Summary:
One of the recent important developments in circuit-protection technology is the
use of conductive polymer composite materials in transient-voltage-surge-suppression
(TVSS) devices to protect sensitive equipment and integrated circuits, against
over-voltage threats. This project is to develop new voltage-sensitive materials
and new process technologies to manufacture TVSS devices. A solvent-free polymerization
procedure using platinum complex as catalysis to produce voltage-sensitive materials
has been developed. A complete fabrication methodology has also been developed
for preparing the surface-mounted TVSS device. The working devices were tested
several key electrical characteristics such as trigger voltage (184-288 V), leakage
current (<10pA at 6 V), resistance (>400 GW at 6 V) and capacitance (<21pF at
1 Mz).
Research Output:
- Publication
- C.-M. Chan, K.M. Ng and C. YC Wong, US Patent Pending 2004: Overvoltage
protection materials and process for preparing same
- K.M. Ng, K. Cheung and C.-M. Chan, "Structural Analysis of Polymer Composite
Materials for Overvoltage Protection Application - Prepared by a "Clean"
Solvent-Free Polymerisation Process," Technical Report in 2004.
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